Requirements to Open BCA Account without NPWP and Savings Products

syarat buka rekening bca tanpa npwp

Some ordinary people may still think that opening an account at a bank requires a requirement in the form of NPWP. In fact, it is still possible to open a BCA account without an NPWP because it is not a requirement that must be met by all customers.

BCA savings requirements also vary, according to the profile of each product aimed at different ages and citizenship status. However, overall, it does not require complicated requirements as long as you have an identity card.

Not only for adults, but also for teenagers and children who do not yet have their own income. To find out more about the types of savings products, requirements and how to register, please refer to the following description:

Knowing BCA Savings Products

As one of the leading banks in Indonesia, BCA provides a variety of savings products that can meet the needs of the community. Not only for certain groups, but it can provide a variety of choices according to the customer’s financial condition and capabilities.

The following are some of BCA’s most popular savings products with easy requirements:

  • TabunganKu. An individual savings account that is available in almost all banks to support the government’s savings campaign. It has a low initial deposit, but no e-banking access and can only be transferred to fellow BCAs.
  • SimPel (Simpanan Pelajar). At first glance, it is not much different from Tabunganku, except that this savings product is specifically for students. Precisely for those who have not yet reached the age of years and are active students in an educational institution.
  • SimPel (Simpanan Pelajar).
  • Tahapan BCA. The stages product consists of 3 types, namely Blue, Gold, Platinum, each of which differs from the transaction limit and monthly administration fee. Meanwhile, in terms of facilities, they all get the same ATM card, account book, and e-banking access.
  • BCA Xpresi. This type of savings is aimed at young people who are not yet 17 years old. The initial deposit and administration fee is low, but you don’t get a passbook because it is transferred to BCA’s e-banking.
  • BCA Xpresi.
  • LAKU BCA. A digital savings account with a maximum balance of 20 million that can be used to facilitate payment transactions. There are LAKU agents who serve account opening/closing and help process transactions securely because the PIN or OTP is sent to the user’s cell phone.

Conditions to Open a BCA Account

Each BCA savings product has different requirements. Starting in terms of prospective customer age standards, identity cards, supporting files, and initial deposits.

Including for the status of citizens other than Indonesia will also be subject to special requirements. The requirements for opening a BCA account without an NPWP can be seen in the description below:

  • Adult (17 years and over). For Indonesian citizens, it is enough to prepare an identity card (Passport, KTP, or SIM), an active cellphone number. Meanwhile, a foreign national can complete the identity requirements in the form of a Passport and KITAS / KITAP.
  • Child <12 years old with parents. Parent’s identity card, family card, and birth certificate or KIA (similar to KTP specifically for children under 17 years old). Citizens of countries other than Indonesia can complete with a Passport.
  • Age 12 to <17 years old without being represented. For Indonesian citizens, a Child Identity Card, a statement letter from parents and a parent’s identity card are required. The rest of the KIA can be replaced with a Passport (for foreigners), as well as a Student Card (or replaced with a Certificate from the institution/school).
  • Child <12 years old with guardian. KTP/Passport of the guardian, KIA, and a letter stating the determination and appointment of a person as a legal guardian. The letter of determination as a guardian is one that comes from or is issued directly by the local District Court.

Apart from the file requirements, to open an account at BCA there are also minimum requirements in the form of initial deposits that vary, depending on the type of savings. For Tahapan Blue-Gold-Platinum, the minimum deposit is 500k, while SimPel is 20k, and Xpresi is 50k.

For subsequent deposits, there is no limit, but there is a minimum remaining balance that can be 0 rupiah. Unlike other banks that require a minimum balance of 50 thousand or even 100 thousand for each savings account.

Of course, the various requirements for opening a BCA account without a NPWP need to be understood so that the process can take place quickly and without obstacles. Only then can you follow how to register the account according to the provisions.

How to Register BCA Account

To register as a customer, there are several ways to register, namely through the application or to the office. Both do not take long and still prepare the requirements to open a BCA account without NPWP, only identity and personal data.

On the plus side, going online may facilitate your registration needs from anywhere. Here are some BCA account registration options that prospective customers can choose from according to their preferences:

1. Registering Through Application

A new service from BCA that makes it easy for anyone to open an account even without visiting a branch office. It’s even time-saving, especially for customers with busy schedules, check out the procedure:

  • Install BCA mobile on your phone.
  • Run the application, click Open New Account.
  • Prepare ID card, signature, and personal data.
  • Take a video call session with the customer service representative.
  • Activate internet & mobile banking.
  • Then fill in the initial deposit balance.

So, there is no longer a need to worry about lining up and spending working hours because you can register from anywhere. However, for ATM card and passbook collection, customers will still have to come to the branch office in person.

2. Apply at the Branch Office

Prepare the necessary documents before going to the BCA branch office near your home. Bring along cash for the initial deposit and a cell phone to register for the mobile banking service, then follow the steps:

  • Take a queue to the CS at the BCA office.
  • After your turn, convey your intention to the officer.
  • Submit requirements and fill out the registration form.
  • Creation of PIN and submission of ATM card and savings book.
  • Usually directed to deposit cash to teller.

As for the type of savings with an initial deposit of 500k, it can later be withdrawn via ATM up to a certain balance limit. There are times when there will be a deduction from the balance for the stamp duty used on the registration form (with the customer’s consent).

Complaints and Other Information

For customers who have complaints, they can easily come directly to the branch office because it is spread in various cities. Customers who wish to inquire about practical information related to BCA’s services and products can also contact:


  • Or mobile +628-111-500-998.

After listening to the explanation above, now you understand more about the various BCA savings products that are open to all people. Moreover, the conditions for opening a BCA account without NPWP and some are also without being charged a monthly administration fee.

Of course, this convenience can be one of the efforts to support public awareness of the importance of saving from an early age. Not only for adults, but also for young people and children to be wise in utilizing money.

In the future, saving money can become a fun habit, especially with the various benefits and attractive promos for BCA customers. Starting from payment discounts to rewards in the form of merchandise that are not to be missed.

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