How to Use the BRI EDC Machine Easily and Hassle-Free

In this sophisticated era, one does not need a complicated way to transfer because there is a BRI EDC machine. Of course it is important to know how to operate the BRI EDC machine, especially for BRI Bank users. Actually, not only BRI has a BRI EDC machine, but other banks also have these machine facilities.

When users already know how to operate the BRI EDC machine, they are not confused about using other EDC machines, actually the way to use it is also quite easy. This machine also has a lot of functions that really help users. So how to operate and what features and functions are in it, see the following various explanations.

Get to know BRI EDC Machine

Users need to know that the Electronic Data Capture machine or commonly known as EDC is a breakthrough for bank customers. That’s because there are many features contained in it that users can take advantage of.

Generally, BRI EDC machines are shaped like handheld cellphones but with a thicker width. Then the screen is also quite small with several buttons underneath. Most EDC machines use Graphical User Interface (GUI) components.

Not only BRI EDC machines are like that, but most EDR machines owned by other accounts are also not much different. EDC machines provided by banks are automatically connected to the banking server. As written on BRI’s official website, the BRI EDC machine is a machine for swiping cards for customers to use. One of them is to pay for transactions with credit, debit and prepaid cards at several merchants.

With this machine, of course, it makes it easier for users to pay for several transactions with non-cash. Users only need to bring an ATM card and then swipe it on the available EDC machine. Very easy, fast, and simple. But as technology develops, now ATM cards are equipped with chips in them.

That way the user just needs to insert the card in the bottom slot of the EDC machine. This will be more protected from the practice of data theft or skimming.

Button Function on EDC Machine

Before entering the tutorial on how to operate the BRI EDC machine, users must understand the various functions of the buttons on the EDC machine. When the user has understood the function of all buttons, it will be easy when using it later. In the BRI EDC machine, there are 4 buttons that need to be known. The functions of each button are:

  • Yellow button to check the data in BRI EDC machine.
  • The Red button is for canceling, but it can also be used to exit the menu.
  • Green button for enter or YES on some menu options.
  • Finally, the function button is for combining in a command.

How to use BRI EDC machine

After reading some of the explanations above, users must also know how to operate the BRI EDC machine. The goal is that users are not confused when they want to use it later, or users can also maximize all available features. How to use it depends on what you want to use it for, because the EDC machine has many functions. For more details, see the following procedures for use.

1. For Transfer

The first is how to operate the BRI EDC machine to transfer money to fellow BRI Bank users. The method is quite easy and does not require long steps, namely”

  • Press the mini ATM menu on the machine.
  • Then click on the transfer menu.
  • Then select the fellow BRI option.
  • Next, swipe or insert the user’s BRI ATM card on the EDC machine.
  • After that, enter the account number of the transfer destination.
  • Then type in the user’s ATM PIN.
  • That’s it, a receipt will automatically come out of the machine to prove the transaction was successful.

The next way to operate the BRI EDC machine is to transfer to other banks, so not only can you transfer to fellow BRI Banks. The method is also no less easy than the previous one, note the following:

  • Click the mini ATM option on the EDC machine.
  • Then click on the transfer menu.
  • Then select the interbank option.
  • After that, insert or swipe the BRI ATM card on the EDC machine.
  • Next determine the account of origin, from savings or current account.
  • Then type in the destination bank account number and code.
  • Then type in the transfer amount.
  • Don’t forget to enter the customer reference number as well.
  • Then enter the user’s ATM PIN number.
  • That’s it, a receipt will automatically be issued as proof that the transaction has been successful.

2. To Top Up Brizzi card

Besides being able to transfer between banks, BRI EDC machines can also top up the balance of the user’s Brizzi card. This feature is available to make it easier for Brizzi card users to top up online. Check out the following:

  • Click the Brizzi option on the EDC machine.
  • Then select the online top up menu.
  • Then swipe or insert your BRI debit card into the machine.
  • After that, type the nominal amount that the user will top up.
  • Type in the user’s Debit card PIN number.
  • Then attach the user’s Brizzi card to the side of the EDC machine.
  • Confirm the data first.
  • Done, the receipt will come out automatically from the machine, a sign that the online top up transaction has been successful.

3. For Recharging

This is interesting, because users can also use BRI EDC machines to top up credit. Of course this feature must also be utilized, as for how it is also very simple, namely:

  • Click on the mini ATM menu on the EDC machine.
  • Then select the recharge option.
  • Next click on the mobile operator option.
  • Then please type the amount of credit to be topped up.
  • After that, swipe or insert the BRI ATM card into the machine.
  • Then type in the destination phone number (which will be topped up).
  • Then type in the user’s ATM PIN number.
  • Please confirm all data that has been entered.
  • Done, a receipt will automatically come out of the machine as proof that the top-up transaction has been successful.

Various Functions of EDC Machine

As mentioned earlier, BRI EDC machines have many functions that make it easier for users. The following are some of its functions:

  • Make it easier for customers to make payments for non-cash transactions.
  • Simplify cashier service, as there is no need to prepare change.
  • Become a cash swipe tool.
  • Streamline transaction time, because the EDC machine works fast enough to save queuing time.
  • Avoid transactions with counterfeit money.

Application Requirements for BRI EDC Machine.

It turns out that users can also have this very multifunctional BRI EDC machine. But before applying for it, users must fulfill several requirements, namely:

  • Submit a photocopy of ID card.
  • Provide a photocopy of SIUP or TDP.
  • Submit a TIN.
  • Have a certificate or certificate of ownership of the place of business.
  • Submit a cooperation agreement form, merchant application, and power of attorney if represented.
  • Have an account with Bank Bri.
  • This submission is specifically for business entities, proven by providing a deed of establishment or can be replaced with proof of articles of association.

After the user has fulfilled the various requirements, they are welcome to apply for a BRI EDC machine at the nearest BRI branch office. The ways to apply are:

  • Come to the BRI branch office and take the queue number to the customer service.
  • Next, tell us if you want to apply to have a BRI EDC machine.
  • Follow the process and wait for the application to be processed.
  • If accepted, the user will be informed again regarding the delivery of the BRI EDC machine.

That is the explanation of how to operate the BRI EDC machine easily according to the user’s needs in using it. Please practice the procedures and understand all the meanings of the buttons in it, so as not to be confused when using it.

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