How to Disburse KJP After Passing Complete with Requirements

Jakarta has a program to help fund students called the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP). Uniquely, KJP recipients can also withdraw it after graduation. How to cash out KJP after graduation has its own procedure.

If the remaining balance is still there and the student status has graduated, then the remainder can be disbursed. Meanwhile, if it has run out, then even if you graduate, the value will not be able to be disbursed again. Therefore, a series of procedures must be known.

This article will explain one by one about KJP disbursement after graduation. In addition, the amount of KJP for each level will also be explained. If you are curious about all of this information, then see the following explanation:

Requirements for KJP Disbursement After Graduation

Before carrying out the disbursement process, complete requirements are needed first. The complete requirements will be related to how to disburse KJP after graduation that will be carried out or applied.

To make disbursements, of course, the savings book closing process is required first. This process requires a complete set of requirements in accordance with existing procedures. If you are curious what the requirements are, then see the following details:

  • Student ID card or original student card and 2 copies.
  • Legal guardian’s ID card, both the original document and a copy of 2 sheets.
  • The original diploma / SKL of the student and a copy of 1 sheet. This document is important to show proof of graduation.
  • Original family card and a copy of 1 sheet.
  • Student arrears-free certificate from the school. Public school students do not need this document because it is specifically for private schools only.
  • KJP ATM card and its savings book.
  • 10,000 stamp as many as 2 sheets.
  • Birth certificate copy of 1 sheet.

Of course, none of these eight requirements should be missed. Even the amount must also be adjusted properly so that the process can be completed. If something is missing, the disbursement process will not be possible.

How to Disburse KJP After Graduation

After explaining the requirements, this section will explain how to disburse KJP after graduation thoroughly. As long as the requirements are complete, then this process can be done immediately to completion.

There are at least four processes that can be done to completion for the disbursement. Curious about how the process works? If you want to know the answer, then see the explanation or explanation as follows:

  • For the initial stage, come to DKI bank according to the information in the savings book.
  • Then first create a new savings book at Bank DKI. This new passbook will later be used to transfer the KJP balance.
  • Then do the closing process.
  • Then do the process of closing the KJP account book at the same bank by bringing all the requirements.
  • Later the bank will assist the savings book closing process. While the remaining balance will be transferred to a new savings book that has been made.

KJP recipients who want to make disbursements do not need to be confused. The process will be directly assisted by the bank until completion. Thus, the process will not be difficult or take a long time.

Complete KJP Size

As additional information, this section will inform the amount of KJP at each level in full. This information is important to know after knowing how to disburse KJP after graduation until completion.

In order not to miss anything, it will be explained one by one from elementary school to PKBM. Each point will be explained thoroughly so that it can be understood easily. Here are the complete details:

1. Elementary level

The first or lowest level is elementary school. Elementary school students in DKI Jakarta itself will receive KJP amounting to 250 thousand rupiah. This nominal can be used by students to meet maximum school needs.

Not only that, there is an additional name of 130 thousand rupiah for SPP. This nominal will be given every not within a period of 6 months. So for 6 months, the total SPP funds are 780 thousand rupiah.

For students who study in private schools, this SPP fund assistance will be very useful. The amount itself has been adjusted to the value of needs in DKI Jakarta so that it can be a very helpful value for parents.

2. Junior / MTs level

If the KJP recipient student is taking the junior high school / MTs level, then the amount of fees provided is 300 thousand rupiah. The value is indeed greater than the elementary level because it is adjusted to the increasing needs.

Then for special additional assistance for SPP, it also increases to 170 thousand rupiah every month. These additional funds will be provided consecutively for 6 months. Thus, the total tuition fee obtained is 1,020,000 rupiah.

Just like the assistance funds for the elementary level, the funds for the junior high school or MTs level have also been adjusted to the existing average needs. So if utilized optimally, this financial assistance will be very useful.

3. SMA/MA level

SMA/MA students in DKI Jakarta can also get KJP with a value of 420 thousand rupiah. The amount is indeed quite a lot because the needs of high school students are indeed more than the previous level.

As for additional tuition fees, each month will be given 290 thousand rupiah. This nominal will also be given for 6 months. So you can be sure the value will be greater than the elementary, junior high, or MTs levels.

However, it should be understood that this assistance is only specifically for school needs and tuition fees. So the nominal given may not be diverted for other needs, which are not related to school.

4. SMK level

Furthermore, students at the SMK level will get a KJP of 450 thousand rupiah. The SMA/MA and SMK levels are in the same category, but the funds for SMK students are larger because there are many practices that must be done.

However, for tuition fees, SMK students will receive 240 thousand rupiah per month. This amount is smaller than the tuition fee for SMA/MA students. However, the assistance provided will be very useful for school payments.

5. PKBM Level

In addition to the formal education level, students who are studying at non-formal education institutions can also get KJP. The DKI Jakarta government provides assistance to participants in the Community Learning Activity Center (PKBM) with a certain amount.

For one PKBM participant, the funds provided are 300 thousand rupiah. However, for this level, additional funds for tuition fees are not provided. So the value only adjusts the initial provision according to the rules.

All explanations of how to disburse KJP after graduation must indeed be well understood. If you want to carry it out, make sure all procedures are carried out thoroughly without any remaining parts.

KJP disbursement is related to various parties. Therefore, the procedures required will be very detailed and the process must be thorough. If any process is not done, the disbursement will fail.

This makes all KJP recipients who still have a remaining balance must pay attention to all aspects properly. The amount obtained must also be known with certainty so that the disbursement process can be carried out appropriately.

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