BRI KUR Loan Table & Requirements for 10 Million, 50 Million, 500 Million

tabel pinjaman kur BRI

Almost everyone agrees that KUR loans from BRI are very attractive and targeted by many people, because of the privileges of this loan. But it is also necessary to know the BRI KUR loan table to facilitate user calculations later.

BRI KUR loans are very special and coveted by many Indonesians. Because of all the conveniences contained in it. Even to fund this loan, Bank BRI is willing to prepare hundreds of trillions for this loan budget, it’s fantastic isn’t it?

So what is the importance of seeing the loan table from KUR BRI on this one? How does the table look like? Of course, users must understand it well. Check out the following explanation:

BRI KUR Loan Table

Users need to know, if this KUR loan was made to help small or medium people in developing their business. This loan has been around since 2016 and still continues today. Of course this is important to know.

Because this loan will be very useful for residents who want to develop their business even bigger. This will help the economy of people who are struggling to develop their business.

The main purpose of BRI KUR loans is to provide access to credit assistance and financial inclusion to small and medium entrepreneurs. Even the budget provided for this loan is very large. This is something that needs to be appreciated.

As mentioned earlier, if the user is among those who receive this loan, then it is important to look at the loan table. It will provide a clear picture for the user, which is a picture related to the calculation of the user’s installments.

In the table, there is a deadline for repayment, the value of the loan taken, and the value of the installments that must be paid. By looking at this table, of course, if the user wants to calculate how many installments per month it becomes very easy.

In addition, users also have a benchmark for loan costs that must be repaid. That way users are easy to manage finances and are able to pay all installments on time. This also trains the user’s discipline in paying installments.

The KUR BRI loan table varies according to the type of KUR BRI loan the amount of the loan applied for. And all types of tables must be considered according to the type of loan used. Take a look at some of the following tables.

1. KUR BRI Installment Table 10 million

For this type of table, it is included in the KUR Super Micro loan type. This type does not require collateral and users can borrow up to 10 million. Repayment time is also available for a maximum of up to 33 months.

For more details, please see the table. The following is the BRI KUR loan table of 10 million:

Loan 12 Months 18 Months
24 Months
36 Months
48 Months
60 Months
Rp 1 Million 86,063 58,236 44,317 30,418 23,483 19,337
Rp 2 Million
172,127 116,471 88,633 60,836 46,967 38,673
Rp 3 Million
258,190 174,707 132,950 91,253 70,450 58,010
Rp 4 Million
344,253 232,942 177,267 121,671 93,933 77,347
Rp 5 Million
430,317 291,178 221,583 152,089 117,417 96,683
Rp 6 Million
516,380 349,413 265,900 182,507 140,900 116,020
Rp 7 Million
602,443 407,649 310,217 212,294 164,383 135,357
Rp 8 Million
688,507 465,884 354,533 243,342 187,867 154.639
Rp 9 Million
774,570 524,120 398,850 273,760 211,350 174,030
Rp 10 Million
860,633 582,356 443,167 304,178 234,833 193,367

2. KUR BRI Installment Table 50 Million

After the 10 loan table, below is a table of loans up to 50 million. This table is a type of KUR BRI Micro loan table that provides loans of up to 50 million. While the tenor is up to 24 months.

To be clearer, please look at the nominal in the KUR BRI Mikro table. Here is a view of the table:

Loan 12 Months 18 Months
24 Months
36 Months
Interest Rate
0,273% 0,268% 0,265% 0,264%
Rp 10 Million 860,600 582,400 443,200 304,200
Rp 15 Million
1,291,000 873,500 664,800 456,300
Rp 20 Million
1,721,300 1,164,700 886,300 608,400
Rp 25 Million
2,151,600 1,455,900 1,107,900 760,400
Rp 30 Million
2,581,900 1,747,100 1,329,500 912,500
Rp 35 Million
3,012,200 2,038,200 1,551,100 1,064,600
Rp 40 Million
3,442,500 2,392,400 1,772,700 1,216,700
Rp 45 Million
3,872,900 2,260,600 1,994,300 1,368,800
Rp 50 Million
4,303,200 2,911,800 2,215,800 1,520,900

3. BRI 500 Million KUR Installment Table

The following installment table is a table showing BRI KUR loans totaling 500 million. This loan is included in KUR BRI Retail with a low interest rate.

Of course this is suitable for entrepreneurs for additional capital. To make it easier to understand, please consider the table below:

Duration 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years
Rp 50 Million 4,369,792 2,278,735 1,581,622 1,233,123
Rp 70 Million
6,117,709 3,190,229 2,214,271 1,726,373
Rp 100 Million
8,739,584 4,557,470 3,163,245 2,466,274
Rp 150 Million
13,109,376 6,836,206 4,744,867 3,699,370
Rp 200 Million
17,479,168 9,114,941 6,326,490 4,932,494
Rp 250 Million
21,848,960 11,393,676 7,908,112 6,165,617
Rp 300 Million
26,218,752 13,672,411 9,489,735 7,398,741
Rp 350 Million
30,588,544 15,951,147 11,071,357 8,631,864
Rp 400 Million
34,958,336 18,229,882 12,652,980 9,864,988
Rp 450 Million
39,328,128 20,508,617 14,234,602 11,098,111
Rp 500 Million
43,697,920 22,87,352 15,816,225 12,331,235

BRI KUR Application Requirements

After understanding the amount, repayment period, along with the amount of loan that must be repaid by the user every month. So it is important to know these requirements, so that the application given has a great chance of being accepted by BRI and the KUR loan will be given.

So the requirements below are divided into two, namely document and non-document requirements. For more details, please note some of the document requirements that must be met:

Business certificate.
Copy of the user’s ID card.
Photocopy of spouse (if married).

Those are some of the document requirements. Next, there are also non-document requirements that must be met before applying for a loan. Here are some of the requirements:

Have a business that has been running for at least 6 years.
Have a good BI Checking history.
Submit collateral (for KUR Retail users).
Not currently using credit services from banks except KKB, KPR, and Credit Cards.
Fill out the KUR loan application form.
Have a business in the marketplace or Gojek (for e-commerce loan users).

That’s it, there are various requirements that must be met before applying for a BRI KUR loan. Make sure you have also provided clear document requirements to make it easier for the Bank to verify. For borrowers exceeding 50 million, a photocopy of NPWP will be requested.

Various Advantages of KUR BRI

Obviously, this loan is sought after by many borrowers and because there are many advantages in it. The advantages are what make borrowers comfortable and easy when using this loan.  Here are some of the advantages:

Requirements that are fairly easy.
Has the largest KUR funds and quota.
The interest rate is quite light, which is only 6% per month.
BRI Bank has so many branches.
The types of loans are so varied, there are KUR Micro, Super Micro, Retail, and TKI loans. So that users can freely choose it.
Submission can be done online.
Loan tables can be viewed and understood easily.
No collateral is required (except for KUR Retail loans).
The payment process can also be done easily. It can even be auto-debited from the user’s BRI account.
Tips for Getting a Loan Application Accepted

In addition to fulfilling the above requirements to the maximum, users can also do some of these tips to further convince the bank. As for some tips are:

Make sure you have provided the document requirements correctly according to the provisions set by Bank BRI.
Make sure to have a positive history in BI Checking and never have problems in credit transactions.
Not currently using credit loans at other banks except KKB, KPR, and credit card loans.
Always be cooperative with BRI officers, both during data checking and verification.
Then make sure the user’s business is feasible and ready for the verification process with the bank.

Those are some explanations and various tables of BRI KUR loans. If the user is a user of the BRI KUR loan, then please pay attention to the table above carefully. The goal is to understand the correct amount of loan that must be paid per month.

If the user has not received a BRI KUR loan, then fulfill some of the requirements above to the maximum. It is guaranteed that the user’s loan application has a high chance of being accepted by BRI and can be immediately disbursed and utilized as needed.

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