7 Best Balanced Mutual Funds in Indonesia: Recommended Options and Benefits

7 Reksadana Campuran Terbaik Rekomendasi Pilihan dan Keuntungannya

Definition of Balanced Mutual Fund

best mixed mutual funds 2021

Before we go any further, it would be important to have a clear understanding of what a mutual fund is.

In the sense that the types of instruments used such as bonds, debt securities, stocks or other assets can be combined with varying percentage amounts.

But ideally it should not exceed 79%, so that the distribution tends to be balanced.

With proper and professional management, this mutual fund will provide large profits even higher than equity mutual funds.

It is also a great option for long-term investments that are not only satisfying for a short period of time.

Best Balanced Mutual Fund Recommendations

The best mutual funds are always displayed by various platforms and media openly to the public.

This is done to boost investment interest while providing guidance on choosing the most recommended mutual funds. This includes the following mixed mutual funds.

1. Shinhan Balance Fund

Shinhan Balance Fund occupied the first position in the fourth quarter of 2020 and is still in the best position over the past 5 years.

The Custodian Bank associated with this mutual fund is PT Bank DBS Indonesia Custody.

There is no doubt about the quality of Shinhan Balance Fund’s performance which always maintains consistency and builds professional investment management.

With these efforts, it has led many investors to the gate of financial success.

2. Star Balanced

Star Balanced is a mixed mutual fund product that is also being hunted by investors because of its various advantages.

By relying on a local Investment Manager, PT Surya Timur Alam Raya, it actually managed to be ranked second.

As specified criteria, Star Balanced’s success is also influenced by the performance of the last 5 years which deserves appreciation.

With such conditions, investing in this product is highly recommended for those of you who want mixed mutual funds.

3. HPAM Flexi Plus

HPAM Flexi Plus is a mutual fund instrument managed by PT Henan Putihrai Asset Management and has a very high return value.

The percentage value reaches 13.08% with a minimum investment of Rp 1,000,000.

Not to be outdone by the two previous rankings, HPAM Flexi Plus also has a track record and very competitive profit and profit stability, making it very appropriate as a mutual fund choice. It also always gets the sympathy of its fans through its growth.

4. GAP Balance Life Pension Fund

It should be noted that the GAP Balance Life Pension Fund product has a very high return value and even reached 70.39%.

Then followed by a consistent increase in the graph and making its performance history more productive. No wonder this makes it one of the best.

Even its excellence persists when some other mixed mutual funds have experienced a slump.

The fair price for mutual funds in this portfolio is IDR 1,654 and is included in the competitive price that attracts many investors to deposit funds.

5. TRIM Syariah Berimbang

Not missing out on sharia mutual fund products, TRIM Syariah Berimbang also deserves a thumbs up for its achievements through the management of Investment Manager PT Trimegah Asset Management.

This one option is also relatively easy and lightweight and has a history of good profits and charts.

The minimum capital required is only Rp 100,000 with an average return of 12.6%.

This is very suitable for the middle class or those who are looking for investment opportunities with affordable capital, so they can learn how to invest at the same time.

6. Victoria Mandiri Berimbang

Victoria Mandiri Berimbang is managed by PT Victoria Manajemen Investasi as its Investment Manager.

While the Custodian Bank used is Bank Danamon. This mutual fund has also recorded a quite lucrative and high return value.

This one instrument is also the most popular because it is lower risk but still provides profit.

The return value per month is known to reach 5.7% with a Net Asset Value of IDR 1,190.

7. Simas Balance Gemilang

Are you familiar with Simas Balance Gemilang? This mutual fund is considered to be the best thanks to its performance and return value.

The product managed by PT Sinarmas Asset Management is able to generate huge profits and is the target of investors.

The Custodian Bank that receives the trust of Simas Balance Gemilang is CIMB Niaga, which further increases the trust of the parties to the quality of mutual funds.

This recommendation is worthy of your consideration.

Advantages of Choosing Balanced Mutual Fund

Having its own identical side and characteristics, mixed mutual funds are used because of their usefulness as an investment medium while at the same time boosting profits that are different from other types of instruments. The benefits of choosing mixed mutual funds are as follows.

1. Greater Yields

Talking about material benefits definitely makes your eyes light up. Not to forget the very high returns of mixed mutual funds.

This is indicated by the return value that is even claimed to be higher than fixed income mutual funds.

The attractive return value can even reach a large 15% per year.

Despite the high return, this mutual fund also carries a high risk so it is important to be vigilant and more careful and choose a trusted product.

2. Investment is Diversified

With a diversification system, the capital you save will be divided into several forms of capital instruments.

Thus, this will also foster more opportunities and can be a source of profit that is not only focused on one product.

Even though it is very serious and more risky, mixed mutual funds are very competitive to support long-term financial planning and more promising results.

Therefore, deciding on this type needs careful preparation.

3. Being a Relatively Safe Investment

The word safe in this sense is the condition of the capital realized as deposits and money markets in addition to stocks.

Thus, if stock prices decline, the Investment Manager can invest more capital in bonds or money markets.

Thus, the risk will be more easily anticipated and the value of capital will not suffer losses.

In fact, this situation is relatively safer than equity mutual funds. Therefore, investing with mixed mutual funds will be more secure.

This is the information about the best mixed mutual funds along with their benefits. This can be a recommendation and opportunity that can be utilized as well as possible especially if the financial condition is adequate for financial stability in the long run. Hopefully this information is useful.

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